Children’s online digital hobbies. All our classes are live!

FiNNish MODel for LeiSuRe AcTiviTies
Free of charge activities for children. Available for those living in council that takes part on the scheme. You can sign up via your council’s activity department. Activities vary by council.
You learn to write real code, syntax, with Python coding language.
We make secret language codes, calculators and quizzes, draw with code and even make mini games. Coding is fun!
Suitable for children in school years 3-9.
In our gaming club we make games – not play.
We use Unity 3D game engine, which is favoured by professionals.
Only the sky is a limit to your creativity. Game making is superfun!
Suitable for children in school years 5-9.
You will learn to make real, functioning mobile apps!
We’ll be making translators, talking apps, drawing apps etc. We will also learn to use AI, such as speech and image recognition.
You can share the apps with your family and friends, or even post them to an app store. (Android only.)
Suitable for children in school years 5-9.
You will learn digital image creation and manipulation using various types of software.
We draw and create graphics, 2D and 3D figures, logos etc. and learn to adjust and modify existing images and graphics.
Suitable for children in school years 5-9.
Suitable for children in school years 5-9.
KiddiComputer is for children in years 1 and 2, who are still learning the basics of how to use a computer.
We’ll get familiar with different parts, systems and software and how to control them. We learn to use the keyboard correctly.
We will also deep dive into how to act safely in an online environment.
Suitable for children in school years 1-2.
PaiD CluBs
Paid clubs are open to all. Popular with Finnish children living abroad, who can join to practise and improve their Finnish language skills, in a group of similar children, whilst learning digital skills. New clubs start in September.
Here is a little taster game the children have created in the gaming club! Enjoy and get insprired!
And here is an example of an animation we have done in coding!
(Click "STOP" and "RUN" to re-start the animation.)
Online Safety Poster A4
Wiew our SAFETY page for tips on how to monitor your child’s online activities.