aBoUT KiddiCluBs
KiddiClubs runs various live digital skills clubs online. We currently have children attending our clubs from tens of countries!
We are part of Finnish Model for Leisure Activies, offering school children free of charge afternoon activities. Activities vary by council and you should contact your councils activity department to take part.
Our paid clubs are open to all. They are popular especially amongst Finnish families, offering an opportunity to practise and maintain Finnish language skills whilst learning digital skills with other similar children.
KIDDICODE – Coding in Python
In our coding club your child will learn to code in language called Python (nothing to do with snakes!). Python is easy to learn and widely used in various applications, such as apps, robots, drones, websites, data analysis etc.
Coding Club is suitable for children 7-16 years of age who are comfortable with using computers, can type, use e.g. Ctrl and F keys and use menus.
Coding is full of fun “Oh, this is how it’s done!” discovery moments. It promotes your child’s problem solving and organisation skills, improves their accuracy, resilience, mathematic and even grammar skills. Children can share their screen and solve problems together adding to their social and team player skills.
In most children’s coding platforms users place ready made blocks of code in desired order to make a program in a game like format instead of writing the code. We at KiddiClubs teach your child to write the actual code called syntax.
Why does it matter? In real life applications, websites etc. the code is read and written as syntax, actual code, not in blocks. Your child will learn how to use written code and is able to apply it in practise. They will discover how smallest of details build a functioning program. Once you learn Python and its concepts, it is easier to learn other coding languages as principals remain the same.
Our curriculum is developed based on Finnish university coding courses, and adapted to suit children’s learning. Our lessons run in levels, advancing from beginners level 1 to more advanced. On each level your child will combine everything they have learnt so far and complete a coding challenge in the final lesson of each level. After completing all levels, children become Star Coders and we continue to teach whatever they wish.
In this beginners class we will start from basics. Your child will learn common coding concepts such as algorithms, variables, printing, debugging, print and input command, and conditional if-else structure.
Your child will advance to learn iteration (while, for) and its manipulation so that they become masters in using it. Iteration is also called loop structure where our coding robot Loopie gets its name from! We will also look into methods, which are like mini tools that are useful in making many coding tasks easier.
Children will continue learning different ways to iterate the code. We will also look into importing and using modules and libraries, and have a peek into lists and how to handle data with them. Your child will also make a mini game with Turtle graphics library which is super fun!
Your child will learn to create functions (main, sub) and return values. Your child will learn how to handle exceptions (error codes).
This is the trickiest one of all- object orientated programming, which makes coding functional and useful in various applications. Your child will learn to create classes, class methods and inheritance. After this you can pretty much program anything you like!
After passing all the levels 1-5, the KiddiCoders become Coding Stars! They have learnt the basics of programming and are ready to code almost anything they wish. We plan the lessons according to their wishes and skills. We can code with Tkinter and Turtle or even make apps!


In this beginners class we will start from basics. Your child will learn common coding concepts such as algorithms, variables, printing, debugging, print and input command, and conditional if-else structure.

Your child will advance to learn iteration (while, for) and its manipulation so that they become masters in using it. Iteration is also called loop structure where our coding robot Loopie gets its name from! We will also look into methods, which are like mini tools that are useful in making many coding tasks easier.

Children will continue learning different ways to iterate the code. We will also look into importing and using modules and libraries, and have a peek into lists and how to handle data with them. Your child will also make a mini game with Turtle graphics library which is super fun!

Your child will learn to create functions (main, sub) and return values. Your child will learn how to handle exceptions (error codes).

This is the trickiest one of all- object orientated programming, which makes coding functional and useful in various applications. Your child will learn to create classes, class methods and inheritance. After this you can pretty much program anything you like!

After passing all the levels 1-5, the KiddiCoders become Coding Stars! They have learnt the basics of programming and are ready to code almost anything they wish. We plan the lessons according to their wishes and skills. We can code with Tkinter and Turtle or even make apps!
KIDDIGAME – 3D Game making
Our game building club is super exciting! Your child will learn to build a real 3D games with Unity engine. It’s a professional software that game developers and people from different creative industries use all over the world. Unity can also be used to create animations and movies, digital technical and architectural structures such as cars and buildings, and various other digital experiences, so it is a useful tool to learn for anyone who’s creative.
Gaming Club is suitable for children 10-16 years of age who are fluent in using computers. They need to be fluent in typing, be able to find different keys including Ctrl and F1-F12 on keyboard, and know how to use use files and other computer controls functions.
Building a game consists of two main elements- graphics and scripting (coding in game language). First you build a “world” for your game using visual components and then you add a code in language called C# (pronounced C-Sharp) to make them function. You can add lights, smoke, wind, textures and materials – Only your imagination is a limit to the amazing things you can create!
We build fun, peaceful games and will never teach your child shooting, death animations or any other kind of violence.
Children who have attended our Coding Club will find familiar structures and commands when scripting in Unity, even though Unity uses different coding language. So it’s fair to say Coding Club and Gaming Club support each other and are both worth doing, although it’s not a requirement to have previous coding experience to attend Gaming Club.
We have added an engaging new club to our repetoir- Turtle graphics club. We use Python’s built-in Turtle library module to make coding even more fun and visual. We already have few lessons on Turtle on our level 3 coding club, but in Turtle Club we dive deeper into the library and code various little programs including minigames!
Turtle is suitable for children ages 8-16. They need to be comfortable with using computers; be able to type fluently and understand how to find and save files. Turtle Club works well for children who want to do more alongside their coding lessons, but can be attended even if your child hasn’t done any coding before.
KIDDIAPP – Mobile app making
You will learn to make real, functioning mobile apps! APp making is easy with help of an online editor. We will be making translators, talking apps, drawing apps, calculator, games etc. You can share the apps with your family and friends, or even post them to an app store. (Android only.)
We will also learn to use AI, such as speech and image recognition. Artificial intelligence is one of the exponentially growing concepts of the future. Therefore understanding it early gives your child a good base for technical knowledge.
You can make apps for your own Android or iPhone. If you want to share your apps, you can currently only share them with Android phones.
You won’t need any previous experience. This club suits 10-16 year olds, who are fluent in using a computer and mobile phone.

KIDDIGRAPHICS – Digital graphics design
Your child will learn digital image creation and manipulation.
We draw and create graphics, 2D and 3D figures, logos etc. and learn to adjust and modify existing images and graphics.
We utilise various free online editors in our classes.
Graphics club suits 10-16 year olds who are confident in using a computer. They will also need to know basic English as that is usually the language of the software.
KIDDIWEB – Website making
KIDDICOMPUTER – Learn computer skills
KiddiComputer is for children in years 1 and 2, who are still learning the basics of how to use a computer.
They will be able to get familiar with different parts, systems and software and how to control them in a safe environment. We learn how to find different keys and so to use the keyboard correctly.
We will also deep dive into how to act safely in an online environment.
We also run KiddiCraft Sewing Clubs in several schools in South West London. Only children who attend the specific school may participate. After school clubs are booked per term in 10-13 weeks blocks.
We will also run live online craft and sewing classes from time to time. These will be mainly themed one off classes. Before Christmas we’ll tackle Christmas stockings, Easter it might be cute bunnies and Halloween crawly pompom spiders.
Find out what wonderful creations our Kiddies make in our workshops and after school clubs on Facebook!
Your child can also learn coding and game building in private 1 to 1 sessions. Courses are fully tailored to your child’s needs and are therefore suitable for everyone. Courses can be organised in desired lengths and lesson durations in both English and Finnish.
Private lessons suit also children who are home schooling to replace coding lessons taught at school. Get in touch to discuss your child’s needs and to see how you can introduce your child to the wonderful world of computer science.
KiddiCode clubs run in both English and Finnish. Languages are clearly marked on each club’s description, so it’s easy to find the right one for your child.
Our English lessons can be booked by anyone with adequate language skills.
Our Finnish clubs are for multilingual Finnish speakers who will benefit from practising the language with children from similar backgrounds. These lessons are run in Finnish, but we support children in English when needed. Your child does not have to speak the language, as long as they understand everyday words. We encourage children to speak and write simple words and sentences in Finnish and therefore to get more comfortable using it with others and in their daily lives.
We worry about our planet’s health and try and minimise the impact we have on it. We run on 100% renewable energy. We choose suppliers who care about the environment. For example our webhost also uses only renewable energy sources and plants trees for us, we only buy from companies who don’t use plastic for their deliveries etc.
For consumables and electronics we make long lasting choices, that minimise energy consumption and that can be fixed if they fail. We pay attention to materials and choose things that don’t use plastic and can be recycled after their service. From the waste we can’t avoid, we recycle everything we possibly can, which is around 90% at the moment.
We continuously try and find new ways to help our planet. We hope you do too!
Is me, Katja. I’m a Finn in London. I am also a parent. I do all sorts!
I was originally a couturier designing and making bespoke couture outfits. I thought how it would be great to teach the next generation to be creative and started running after school clubs in local schools.
Alongside the above I studied coding remotely in a Finnish University and completed courses in Python, C++, C#, Java, SQL and Unity game development. Naturally I though how wonderful it would be to teach coding to children too and hence started running after school Coding Clubs. I have since qualified in various areas in IT including cloud architecture.
Now everything has moved online so clubs continue here in the web universe!
Everyone in our team, who is in direct contact with children, has a valid, enhanced DBS criminal background check certificate and a safeguarding training certificate.
Join us, learn new life skills and have fun!
P.S. Find more answers from our FAQ’s page!