KiDDiCoDe Project – FreE CodiNg CluBs for CHiLDreN 

KiddiCode Project is a not-for-profit organisation we set up to provide free coding tuition for children from black minorities whose families are on low income. 

Children (and adults) from black ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by the lack of opportunities and discrimination due to wider societal issues such as unconscious bias and institutional racism to mention a few. We want every child to have equal opportunity to learn a skill regardless of how society sees them or their family finances. Coding as a hobby can be unreachable if your family is not able to provide required equipment, internet access and pay for the tuition, yet it is a valuable skill to learn in order to benefit from the future opportunities.


We provide children a quality tuition in a safe, fun and engaging environment. A meaningful activity has a positive impact on a child’s mental wellbeing. Coding improves their logical thinking, problem solving, attention to detail and even aids school performance.
We organise weekly classes for the duration of a school year for each child who signs up to our program, so that the learning can have a real long term positive impact on the child’s life.

We help families, who don’t have the required equipment, by sourcing a second hand computer and get a portable internet connection which the child can use for the classes. We will also help to set up the computer and install all the required software so that the child can attend the class independently without the need of parental involvement. Children will benefit from being able to keep the equipment after the course is finished and use them for school work etc. 

Our curriculum is based on a university coding program. We have adapted and made it fun to suit children. After finishing all modules, the children will have virtually the same skills as any adult who complete a coding course. 

Programming is one of the important future skills and career opportunities for people with programming knowledge are vast and continuously increasing as the world becomes more and more reliant on technology. Where other ethnic minority groups are well represented in tech, with around 15% being from ethnic minorities in UK, only 3% are black, so there is a clear underrepresentation in the field. This is especially highlighted in London, where 13% of population identify as black but only the same 3% professionals in tech industry are black according to UK Tech Workplace Equality Report
Whilst we can only have a small impact on the wider reasons behind the gap, we can do something. We can give children the spark! We can ensure that children have an introduction to programming at early age, after which they can further develop their interest and even pursue a well paid career in the field. We make extra effort to get as many girls as possible involved as coding is a great hobby and career for girls in this male dominant area. 

Above all we want every single black child to have same opportunities as their counterparts and we encourage them to explore and fulfil their potential.


Become a Coding Buddy and help another child to access free coding lessons! 

You can donate any amount you wish. Just add the donation to your basket and check out. 

(You can amend the amount on the donation section at check out. Enter new amount and press “ADD DONATION” to update.) 

If you wish to contribute to help us achieve our goals, do get in touch.

📞 +44 (0) 77 8989 6229 (mobile)


KiddiCode Project

7 Leopold Road



SW19 7BB